2D ultrasonic anemometer wind sensors

2D ultrasonic anemometer wind sensors

This ultrasonic anmometer created by R.M. Young is perfect to measure the speed and direction of wind in demanding applications. Because of its UV stabilized thermoplastic, this sensoris very resistant.

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dimanche 12 janvier 2025

2D Ultrasonic anemometer model 86000

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The 2D sonic anemometers without moving parts supply wind data in terms of speed and direction. The use of UV stabilized thermoplastic materials and marine anodized aluminum provides a very high environmental resistance for both the terrestrial (86000) and marine (86106) versions. The 2D sonic anemometer owns a smaller size and lower electrical consumption.

 2D sonic anemometer  (PDF 2574Ko)

Product Code

Ref: 86000 - Brand: R.M. YOUNG


Wind speed 0 to 75 m/s
Resolution: 0.01 m/s
Threshold: < 0.01 m/s
Accuracy: ±2% ±0.1m/s (30 m/s), ±3% (75 m/s)
Wind direction 0 to 360 degrees
Elevation Range: ±60 degrees
Resolution: 0.1 degree
Accuracy: ± 2 degrees
Response time: < 0.25 seconds
Serial Output RS-232 or RS-485
Formats: ASCII, ASCII polled, RMYT, NMEA
Baud: 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Units: m/s, MPH, Knots, Km/hr
Wind Format: Speed & Direction or U & V
Status Indicator: Standard with ASCII & NMEA
Analog Voltage Outputs 0–5000 mV or 4–20 mA
Analog Wind Scale: 0–100 m/s
Analog Direction Scale: 0–360 or 0–540 degrees
Output Update Rate 0.1 to 20 Hz
Power Requirement 10 to 30 VDC, <20 mA typical
Environmental Operating Temperature: -40 to +60 ° C
Protection Class: IP65
Dimensions 29cm high x 11cm wide
Weight 0.4 kg
Shipping weight 1.6 kg
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