Snow height sensor

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Very compact, easy to use and simple to install, this instrument is based on ultrasonic technology to measure the height of snow in one place. Durable and efficient, output voltage can encode a height of snow up to 10 meters.

Product Code

Ref: DS - Brand: JUDD


Power +12 to 18 VDC, 50 mA (maximum sample time 2.6 seconds)
Output 0 to 2.5 or 0 to 5 VDC
Range 5 to 10 meters
Beam width 22 degrees
Accuracy ±1 cm or .4 % distance to target
Résolution 3 mm
Temperature range -40° to +70°C
Size 8x8x13 cm
Weight 6 kg
Mounting 1/2 inch threaded pipe
Cable length 7.6 meters
Temperature sensor acc ± 0.5°C, -40 to +85°C
Temperature sensor resolution 0.5°C
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